
M.S. Photography
Brooks Institute of Photography,
Santa Barbara, CA, 2004
B.S. Electrical Engineering & Computer Science
University of Colorado at Boulder, 1979


** October 2007 to October 2013. Manager, Customer Service/Support.
Lumistar, Inc. (A Kratos Company) Carlsbad, California.

Support customers who have hardware/software/application issues with Lumistar products. Facilitate the repair/replacement of failed hardware. Answer applications related questions and coordinate the involvement of other Lumistar technical resources as needed. Provide the sales force with technical support as needed. In the factory setting, perform the final test of products before shipment to the customer (this includes both new items, as well as repaired items). As time permits, perform the duties of technical writer and produce/update user manuals and other sales/marketing related documentation.

** January 2000 to October 2007. Independent Technical Consultant.
PACER Corp. Santa Barbara, California.

Assessed and reviewed the technical designs of several Software Defined Radio programs for the DOD and prime contractor Boeing Corp. The technical assessments focused on key system architectural elements and how they were implemented in hardware, and how these implementations drove the overall cost of the program. All of the major clusters of the DOD’s Joint Tactical Radio System (JTRS) program were evaluated. The primary emphasis, however, was on the Air Force and Navy clusters. This effort was done at the behest of the JTRS Program Office for prime contractors Boeing and Lockheed-Martin.

** April, 1998 to December, 1999. Marketing Engineer, Sales & Marketing Group. SBS Technologies, Inc. Carlsbad, California.
Responsibilities Include: Interface with customers and the sales force to provide technical inputs to engineering with regard to new product development and bid/no bid direction; Performed product market analysis including capabilities studies, product feature definition, and pricing strategy; Participated in proposal support and development activities, and provided significant involvement to insure success on specific large program opportunities; Generated and maintained product specification datasheets, and controlled product information content linked to the companies internet WEB site.  Developed product catalogs, application notes, technical white papers, and company newsletters that introduced new capabilities and new products; Participated in management of product manual/user's guide development, including definition of style, structure, content, and shared authoring responsibilities. Prioritized manual/user's guide development schedules and performed technical quality audits of the finished documents; Conducted on-going technical training seminars for company sales engineers targeting product applications, product line features and capabilities, and technology training in the areas of communications systems, satellite and avionics telemetry systems design, and ground station development (from the front-end antenna system, to the back-end data distribution and analysis)


** September, 1993 to April, 1998. Systems Development Engineer, Sales & Marketing Group. Advanced Processing Laboratories (AP LABS). San Diego, California
Responsibilities include: Interfacing with customers to ascertain their requirements; evaluating request for proposal/customer requirements & specifications; establishing baseline system architectures that meet customer requirements/specifications; establishing recurring and non-recurring project costs (material & labor); development of proposal reply - including technical and cost volumes; development of marketing related collateral material - including product brochures, technical white papers, professional journal publications, datasheets, presentation overheads, company capabilities summaries, past experience summaries, etc.; conducting on-site demonstrations and training; function as company subject matter expert in the area of Telemetry Systems design and application and satellite and terrestrial communications systems. Accomplishments at AP Labs: Have become proficient in generalized, real-time systems development. Played a major role in mentoring the development of AP Labs' VMEstation/Telemetry (VTS) system into a mature product. Perused the marketing of AP Labs' VMEstation/VMEwindow products into vertical markets not related to telemetry (Industrial Automation, Process Control, Control Systems, etc.)

** Jan. 1988 to Sept. 1993. Program Manager, Advanced Test Technology Group. Systems Engineering & Management Company (SEMCO). Carlsbad, California.
Department Management. Assigned the task of building from the ground up, a Test Engineering group devoted to the development of Digital and Analog Test Program Sets (TPS) on a variety of test equipment systems. TPS development by this group involved both commercial and military customers. Project Manager on team developing a Personal Computer based, Multi-Media Computer Assisted training system for the US Army. The Basic Electronics Maintenance Trainer (BEMT) is a MicroSoft Windows (V3.0) based system employing multi-media text, graphics, animation and live video from a laser disk. The BEMT presents custom developed instructional courseware material in an interactive learning environment. The system design involves 220 computer based instructional stations interconnected via a Novell (V3.11) network. ATE Systems Development [from concept definition and proposal preparation to hardware implementation and installation]. As the primary systems architect at SEMCO I developed the following; MK-612 Hybrid functional board tester (based on Summation Instrument-on-a-card hardware and GenRad System HiLo logic simulation software), MK-89/MK-92 Guided Missile Simulator (GMS) test console (based on IEEE-488 rack-and-stack), the QF-4 Automated Full Scale Aircraft Target Test Set (AFSATTS). Project and Systems Engineer for Generic Communications Satellite Test Bed project. Developed system architecture, hardware and software implementation specification for a family of VXI based test systems intended for satellite evaluation and acceptance testing. Testing involves satellite command and telemetry processing (RF and baseband), spacecraft attitude control simulation and payload simulation.

** May 1987 to Jan. 1988. Member Engineering Staff, Test and Evaluation Directorate, M/A-Com Government Systems (GSSD). San Diego, California.
Test Director. Administrator of the formal First Article Testing (FAT) for the OM-73 Modem (US Army). Duties included: oversee all Functional, Environmental, EMI testing, and Reliability/Maintainability Demonstrations. Performed similar duties for Dual Modem Upgrade (DMU), and Advanced Satellite Modem (ASM) programs. Testing conducted in accordance with MIL-STD-781, MIL-STD-810, and MIL-STD-461. Software Test and Evaluation. Participated in initial efforts to establish directorate software testing capabilities. Developed methodologies and procedures for testing and evaluation of software in mission critical applications (DOD-STD-2167). VLSI Testability. Developed guidelines on methods for VLSI testability (Scan Path, Level Sensitive Scan Design, Built-in-logic-block observation, etc) and Built-in-test methods and strategies.

** 1981 to May 1987. Staff Engineer & ATE Group Manager, Operations Engineering Deptment. M/A-Com Telecommunications (MTEL). San Diego, California.
Test Planning & System Design. Principle test engineer for new commercial products, including the Video Cipher Satellite Scrambling System (for HBO), Personal Earth Station System (for Walmart and others), Burst Error Encoder (for USAF), Data Aggregator System (for SBS) and the IDX-3000 Communications Switch (for DEC). Duties included; the formulation of the test strategy. The definition and procurement of capital equipment. Establishment of recurring and non-recurring test engineering tasks. System level design of card level functional and system level testers. Off Shore Automated Factory. Played a key role in a two year long program to bring on-line an automated factory set up in Puerto Rico for Video Cipher production. Duties included; systems design of circuit card level and system level test stations. Manufacturing test floor layout and equipment installation. Installation of automatic test equipment (Zehntel). Training of personnel and on going technical support. Puerto Rico facility manufactured approximately 5000 units per day. ATE Management. Driving force behind the successful implementation of in-circuit test capabilities at MTEL. Established standards for programming and documentation as well as fixturing. Functioned as advisor and technical problem solver on in-circuit testing issues. In-circuit testers included the Zehntel TS-860 & TS-850, and Fairchild 333. Test Engineering. Performed product testability reviews for new programs, both in the commercial and military areas. Made detailed design change recommendations for improved testability/manufacturability and helped to expedite their implementation. Chaired numerous hardware low level design reviews for test equipment development.

** 1979 to 1981. Test Engineer, Test Systems Group,
National Cash Register (NCR). Rancho Bernardo, California.

New Product Planing Group. Primary engineer and lead for test systems planning group responsible for the total integration of all new NCR products into manufacturing test. Members of my group included test programmers, test engineers, industrial engineers, manufacturing engineers and technicians. Responsibilities included: the testability evaluation of all new products; development of comprehensive test strategy and plan which included test plan, test schedules and procedures for each assembly and end unit; determination of test equipment needs and implementation of any special training requirements coordination of test programming and test engineering efforts towards testability of new products. My group was responsible for publishing a general manufacturing plan which covers all of the above, plus requirement for material and personnel, and floor space allocation for all new products manufactured at NCR, Rancho Bernardo. Test Programming. Participated in the development of test programs for both in-circuit and functional testers as well as hardware/firmware design of test equipment. Training. Developed curriculums for new test technician training, lead technician and supervisor training, and new test programmer training.

** 1975 to 1979. Mini/Micro Computer Systems Analyst, Joint Institute for Laboratory Astrophysics (JILA), National Bureau of Standards. Boulder, Colorado.
As a member of the support staff at JILA I was responsible for program documentation services for both the systems development and research staffs. Later as the principal systems analyst for the support staff I was responsible for: maintaining all real time user software, written in both high level and assembly language; hardware/software interfacing and integration of new hardware into existing hardware/software systems. Computers systems used include; Cray 1, Cyber 170, PDP-11, PDP-8, Nova 3, and Computer Automation minis.